Your Birthday-Stars Calender
The perpetual birthday calendar by zodiac sign
Dieser einzigartige Kalender widmet jedem Sternzeichen ein eigenes Kalenderblatt. Neben dem Sternzeichen finden Sie dort die charakteristischen Sternbilder, Elemente des Lebens, Jahreszeiten, Planeten und eine Unterteilung in drei Dekaden. Sie sehen, wer unter welchem Sternzeichen geboren ist, sobald Sie Ihre Eingaben gemacht haben.
Die sanften auf Naturkarton gedruckten Farben sind bewusst gewählt, damit sich der Kalender stimmig in Ihr Heim einfügt und dort viele Jahre verweilt.
Each sign of the zodiac is divided into three decades
All 12 signs of the zodiac are arranged in a 360° circle, each sign of which in turn covers 30°. These 30° of the respective star sign are divided into three decades of 10° each. The characteristics of the star sign carriers can be assigned thus more exactly. In forecasting, decades are used to narrow down transits more precisely.
Made in Germany - Sustainable - Climate neutral
Size: 24 x 34 cm - Price: 29,- €
"Stars don't fall from the sky, they are born."

The elements of life
Zodiac signs are assigned to the four known elements of life - fire, earth, water and air.

Fire sign
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
courageous - impulsive - determined - ambitious - committed - spirited - adventurous - energetic - self-confident - intuitive - flexible - independent - passionate

Earth sign
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
orderly - sensual - receptive - responsible - balanced - steady - realistic - grounded - persistent - disciplined - reliable

Water sign
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
lively - flexible - change-oriented - logical thinker - adaptable - rational - communicative - sociable - traveler - intellectual - artistic

Air sign
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
sensitive - cultural - artistic - emotional - empathic - intuitive - communicative - refreshing - yielding - soft - thoughtful - intelligent
The 4 seasons

Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Cancer, Leo, Virgo

Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The planets of the solar system
Each zodiac sign is assigned to a planet of our solar system.
It is said in astrology that this "rules" the corresponding sign of the zodiac.